Research ARTICLES 2019


S.  No. Name of the Authors Title Name of the Journal Year of the Publication Volume (Issue) page no.
1 Tiwary Mukesh Kumar , Sasmal Gitanjali, Bhardwaj Vinay Physiological Understanding of Avasthapaka: A review World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research 2019, ISSN: 2277-7105,Vol.8, Issue 13, 778-783 
2 Uranw Jamuna, Sasmal Gitanjali, Bhardwaj Vinay A Conceptual Study of PCOD related with Ayurveda European Journal of Pharmaceutical & Medical Research 2019, ISSN: 2394-3211, Vol. , Issue , Page
3 Uranw Jamuna, Sasmal Gitanjali, Bhardwaj Vinay A Review study on Lifestyle diseases and its Ayurvedic Prevention International Journal of Advanced Research 2019, ISSN: 2320-5407, Vol. 7, Issue 6, Page 20-25
4 Afreen Siddiqui, Gitanjali Sasmal,  Vinay Bhardwaj Conceptual study of Shatkriyakala w.s.r. to cell injury International Journal of Pharm Chem 2019, ISSN: 2350-0204, Vol.10, Issue3, Page 354-362
5  Tiwary Mukesh Kumar, Sasmal Gitanjali, Bhardwaj Vinay Conceptual Interpretation of Physiology of Vision in Ayurveda IJESC 2019, ISSN: 2321-3361,Vol.9, Issue 12,24361-24365
6 Bhagat Alka, Kumar Ashok  Management of pcos with Ayurveda European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research   2019,6(6), 493-494
7 Tiwary Mukesh Kumar  A Physiological Study of Pachaka Pitta: A Review.  EJPMR August 2019, ISSN 23943211
8 Tiwary Mukesh Kumar   Physiological Understanding of Avasthapaka: A Review WJPR November 2019, ISSN 2277-7105.
9 Tiwary Mukesh Kumar  Conceptual Interpretation of Physiology of Vision in Ayurveda IJESC December 2019, ISSN 2321 3361
10 Patel Seema  Critical Study of Bhrajaka pitta in the modern perpective World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research December2019ISSN 2277-7105
11 Siddiqui Afreen Sasmal Gitanjal , Bhardwaj Vinay Conceptual study of Shatkriyakala W.S.R. to Cell injury IJAPC 2019; 10(3);354-362
12 Sahare Priyanka Sasmal  Gitanjali, Kumar Ashok Introduction to Updhatu and formation of Stanya from Rasadhatu AYUSHDHARA (An International Journal of Research in AYUSH and Allied System)   Dec.-2019 vol. 6 Issue 6
13 Sahare Priyanka Sasmal  Gitanjali, Kumar Ashok Conceptual study of Kapha Dosha in Imbalanced state & Management Through Yoga  European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research 2019,6(5),435-437
14 Patel Vishnu,Sasmal Gitanjali, Kumar Ashok Importance of Nidra in Public Health European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research 2019,6(5),729-731
15  Uranw Jamuna  Sasmal Gitanjali,  Bhardwaj Vinay  Areview Study on Lifestyle Disease and its Ayurvedic Prevention International Journal of Advanced Research 2019; 7(6),20-25
16 Uranw Jamuna  Sasmal Gitanjali,  Bhardwaj Vinay A conceptual study of PCOD related with Ayurveda European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research 2019,6 (5)