Conference Paper 2018


S.N. Name of Authors Title Name of the Conference Place Date/Year
1 Dr.Mukesh Kumar Tiwary  Physiological Importance on Walking up in Brahma Muhurta Internationl Confernce   on “Ayurveda For Global Well Being” Wardha (M.H.) Jan-18
2 Dr.Mukesh Kumar Tiwary Physiological impact Role in Ahar paka W.S.R. to Metabolism National Seminar  on“Science to Develop Diagnostic Tools for Srotodusti W.S.R. to Purvarupa of Metabolic Disorders”   BHU(UP) Apr-18
3 Dr.Mukesh Kumar Tiwary Need& Significance of Ayurvedic Research in persent Scenario Internationl Confernce  on “ Persent ,Past,Future of AYUSH Education & Research BHU(UP) Jul-18
4 Dr.Mukesh Kumar Tiwary Workshop Internationl Symposium on Women Infertity  AVP,Coimbatore             (T.N.) Aug-18
5 Dr.Padminee Geriatric Eye Care through Ayurveda & Yoga Role of Ayurveda& Yoga in Health Care Mangement  Silong, Meghalaya  Feb-18
6 Dr.Padminee Role of Basic Sciences to Develop  Diagnostic Tools for Srotodushti w.s.r Purvarupa of Metabolic Disorders Etio pathogenesis of metabolic disorders(Diabetes) BHU Apr-18
7 Dr.Padminee Nationl Ayurvea Seminar on the topic Clinical Dermatology Mangement of Vyanga by Varnakara lepa Trivandrum Kerala Julay2018
8 Dr.Seema Patel Nationl Seminar                               on Role of Ayurved& Yoga in health care mangement Management of obesity by Ayurveda &Yoga Silong, Meghalaya  22-23 February 2018
9 Dr.Seema Patel Nationl Ayurvea Seminar on the topic Clinical Dermatology Management of  Switra by Ayurvedic Regimen(Pathya Apthaya Ahara Vihara) Govt. Ayurveda College Trivandrum 13-14 July 2018
10 Dr.Seema Patel Entitled physiological effect of Vyayama (Physical Exrcise) on human body 8th World Ayurveda Congress&Arogya Expo 2018 Gujrat University ,Ahmedabad(G.J.) 14-17 December   2018
11 Dr.Shilpa Tirkey Role of Ayurved and Yoga in Health Care Management  National seminor  North Eastern Council, Shilong, 2018
12 Dr.Shilpa Tirkey Role  of basic Sciences to devlop diagnostic tolls for srotodusti w.s.r. to purvarupa of metabolic disorders  National seminor BHU Varanasi 2018
13 Dr.Shilpa Tirkey Clinical Dermatology  National Ayurveda Seminar Thiruvanthapurum 2018
14 Dr.Poonam Singh Chauhan Role of Raktmokshana by Jalaukavcharana in the management of Yuvanpidhika House Surgeons Association Govt.Ayurveda College Thiruvananthapuram 13-14/07/2018
15 Dr.Poonam Singh Chauhan Role of Yoga in the management of Diabetes Mellitus North Eastern Council, Shilong, Govt.of India Shilong 22-23/02/2018
16 Dr.Mukesh Kumar Tiwary Essay competition National Level  Jabalpur(M.P.) Jabalpur(M.P.) Jul-18
17 Dr.Mukesh Kumar Tiwary Diagnosis and management of Spine Disorder NIA(R.J) NIA(R.J) Augest2018
18 Dr.Mukesh Kumar Tiwary Recitation and Understanding of Charaka Samhita NIA(R.J) NIA(R.J) Augest2018