Dr. Prashant Kumar Gupta, Reader KAUMARBHRITYA
Father's Name DOB UG Qualification (University & Year) PG Qualification (University & Year) Date wise details of Experience in chronological order
(1st Appointment to till date)
Department (Subject) Nature of present appointment (regular/ contractual/ deputation/ part time / adhoc) Permanent Residential Address Name of State Board & Registration code No.
Duration (d/m/y) Designation Name of the college
Mr. Pawan Kumar Gupta 27-06-1982 B.A.M.S.
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
2009 Kaumarbhritya
22/08/09 to 01/05/10 Lecturer Gurunanak Ayu.College, Muktsar, Panjab Kaumarbhritya Regular A-03, Golf Veiw Apartment Sector 19-B, Dwarka, New Delhi DBCP/ A/ 7880
04/05/10 to 05/10/13 Clinical Registrar CBPACS, New Delhi Taneur
07/10/13 to 06/03/2019 Lecturer L.H.R.A, Pilibhit, UP
11/03/2019 - to Till Date Reader G. A .C. Raipur,C.G. Regular